
It is not possible to leave out Amsterdam while travelling in the Netherlands. We will show you this Dutch city in different and inspiring ways. Of course we will also help you to make Amsterdam a part of your trip combined with other great places in the Netherlands

What about a canaltour while eating lunch or dinner? A bikeride just outside the city centre is also something we can highly recommend for the fit ones. Tell us what you are looking for and we will show you the city in different ways!

If you have a special jubilee? There is no city like Amsterdam to celebrate in.

Are you specially interested in art? The oldest art in Amsterdam will date back to the 13th century and up until today the city is the place to be for art and culture.

Youth and student groups are also very welcome for an educative program. We will get a good and balanced program including activities, education and some time for leisure.

Companies who are going for teambuilding tours we will of course suggest the best activities.

Of course, we will help you combine Amsterdam with one of the other great Dutch cities. This way you will get the best out of our local knowledge en return back home with new impressions.

Check out our page about Dutch cities for some good ideas.
If you need some examples on grouptours, you can take a look at our inspiration page.

Keep in touch with us for a tailor-made offer for your group!

Contact us now!